I. Links included on Multnomah’s Website
The Official Site of Multnomah University provides links to some websites that are not controlled, maintained, or regulated by the institution. These links are provided for your reference and convenience only. The use of information from those websites by the user is voluntary. References at those websites to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply endorsement, association, recommendation, or favoring by Multnomah. When you click on a link to a non-Multnomah site you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.
II. Official and Unofficial Websites
Visitors to Multnomah University’s Website should be able to clearly distinguish between “official” websites from faculty and departments and “unofficial” or “personal” websites from members of the campus community. The distinguishing mark will be the official logo of the institution. It should be noted that Multnomah University and Multnomah Biblical Seminary own and control the use of the official logo and any request for displaying it on a website must first be processed through the Marketing department.
III. Our Standard Disclaimer: All faculty and staff unofficial pages should contain a graphic element at the top of the page, which designates the page as unofficial and provides a link to the full text of the standard disclaimer.
IV. Disclaimer
Posts on Multnomah’s website by individuals reflect their own thoughts and interests. They do not implicitly or explicitly represent the official positions or policies of Multnomah University. Therefore, authors of unofficial web pages or links assume responsibility and liability for the content of their documents.
We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website. In addition to that, we may use your IP address to track generic demographic information which would help to serve Multnomah in ensuring that we are technologically sensitive to any/all visitors to our server.
We do not sell names or information to any outside party. Any name or address information you provide us with will be used to complete any requests you may wish us to process. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary in completing the transaction. Examples include verification of credit processes, postal delivery systems, etc.
For more information on Multnomah University’s specific website guidelines, please see our Copyright policies below.
When you visit a website, its server may generate a piece of text known as a “cookie” to place on your computer. These cookies allow websites to “remember” visitors’ preferences, surfing patterns, and behavior every time they visit.
If you do not wish to have cookies stored on your machine, you can opt-out or disable cookies in your browser. You will still be able to use the Multnomah website, however, turning off cookies may affect how portions of the website function. Disabling cookies may also affect the functionality of other websites you visit as well.
Multnomah.edu uses a third-party analytics provider (Google’s Universal Analytics) to analyze the data collected through cookies. The third-party analytics provider does not receive personally identifiable information through these cookies and does not combine, match, or cross-reference Multnomah.edu information with any other information. Please review the third-party analytics provider’s privacy policy for additional information.
Multnomah.edu does not access or store the raw information collected through these cookies. We do view aggregate statistical analyses prepared by our third-party analytics provider, but these analyses do not include any personally identifiable information. We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise disclose this information to persons or organizations.
Multnomah University respects the rights of creators of original works of authorship and expects administration, faculty, students, and staff to comply with U.S. Copyright Law protecting such works. In keeping with copyright’s purpose and our mission to prepare Christian leaders for the church, community, and the world, copyrighted materials are lawfully distributed at Multnomah University in order to support learning and advance knowledge creation.
1. Multnomah University reserves its copyright to any and all materials posted online.
2. Our website content is only to be used for informational and noncommercial purposes only. For these purposes only, you may copy and print content for your personal use.
3. No graphics or text may be modified in any way; should graphics be printed or distributed; they must accompany the text.
4. The logo of Multnomah University may not be used in any form. Any permission to print them or use them electronically must be routed through the Marketing Department at Multnomah University.
5. If you need to report copyright infringement, please contact us with the following information:
- Specific information as to what was copied.
- Location of where you saw it copied.
- Name of person or persons accused of copying material.
- A statement verifying that the information you share with Multnomah is correct and accurate.
- Your name and phone number of how to be reached.
Questions or complaints?
Your feedback regarding Multnomah University’s website or Your questions around Multnomah University’s copyrighted materials may be sent to marketing@xiaoneizhi.com.